How to subscribe to an RSS or Atom feed

Why even use a feed reader???

TLDR: because an RSS or Atom feed reader is one of the easiest and best ways to prevent censorship, and cut out the middlemen who want to censor you.

Let's say you had a YouTube channel with 10 million subscribers that got deleted by a few YouTube insiders and politicians because they hated your opinions, even though they were legal (see Shiva Ayyadurai vs Twitter, etc - Shiva is winning by the way).

Well if you had your own website with an RSS or Atom feed that those same people subscribed to, you could upload your videos to any other video site you're not banned on and who also cares about free speech, and everyone would still get it without having to be logged in, or having to create a new account there.

Thus making YouTube's efforts to silence you completely useless, greatly increasing your chances of long term survivability since you are much harder to "cancel", and tyrants have to go other routes to silence you.

This makes it easier for your subscribers too since they don't have to make another account or password to remember. Something I hate doing too.

You could also say and do many other things that places like YouTube can't. For example, if you didn't want to put out a new video, you could just write a text message, and EVERYONE would still get it. There is no filtering your words, or making you jump through hoops to appeal a decision like Twitter does.

For Chrome / Firefox or similar web browsers

Download FeedBro, or a similar feed reader by going to the correct app store at that site, then follow the directions they give.

Then copy one of the URL's for my feeds below, create a new feed in the reader you just got, and paste it into the URL of the new feed you just started.

For mobile devices

You will need a feed reader from an app store for the Operating System you use (Android? OSX? etc.), and have to follow the directions they give. The process is the same as above.

For Thunderbird, and similar email clients

Instructions for Thunderbird here. If you don't use Thunderbird, you'll need to search for instructions for the program you use.

Click the link above, then copy / paste the URL into your feed reader to subscribe with RSS format.

Or, do the same as the above, but for the Atom format.

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