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Cipher Sanctum Owner: Kevin

Custom apps

I can create pretty much any kind of custom Django app you need, even if the technology doesn't exist yet. Read on for front and back end examples.

Custom website design

Functionality is important, but beauty is just as important. If you want people to keep using your site: you need beauty. I made this site with Django, and went far beyond what a typical designer does with those fugly bootstrap themes.

Made by a pro

I made a GoFundMe alternative from scratch with Django in 2019 to prove it. Here are the specifications it was made to, and you can test it here. Nobody trusts a slow / ugly / buggy website, so why risk hiring a noob?

Future proof

This is always at the top of my mind when making a program. The goal is to save money, and not be dependent on other services. Django can do that. I speak more on my thought process in the aforementioned specifications, but the gist is this... Companies often make 2+ apps for the same thing, yet only need one. If they marketed the software correctly: no app store gatekeepers are required, and you can't be cut off for bullshit reasons.

Truth, Freedom, Health

My core values. They depend on each other. The truth guides my actions in all things, and I promise to never tell you 1/2 the truth (IE, bullshit you). Before you even pay me anything: I'll tell you the truth even if I know I'll lose business and save you money because of it. Want proof? Watch how I beat a corrupt insurance company out of court, and you can too.

Interested in a free estimate?

I'm Kevin by the way. And to contact me you can either go to the contact page here, or fill out the form below. I usually respond within 12-24 hours, unless you call me within public calling hours (which is usually instant).

UPPERCASE Roman numerals only

Remember that...

  • I, II, III = 1, 2, 3
  • IV, V, VI = 4, 5, 6
  • VII, VIII = 7, 8
  • IX, X = 9, 10

Captcha placeholder text, remove() when ready.

***lowercase letters will not work.***

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