Law Firm Website Designer Company

Services available anywhere

With the best attorney marketing

Cipher Sanctum Owner: Kevin

Legal experience

I know lawyer jargon and how the legal game is played. I've represented myself in court and beat the government + others at their own scams many times before. So working with me is likely to be smooth.

Made by a pro

See some sample sites on my portfolio page. I even made a GoFundMe alternative from scratch back in 2019. Here are it's details, and you can test it here.

Marketing / SEO

I'm not afraid to rock the boat, and neither should you. You're already a lawyer: people fucking hate you. Wanna fix that? Be funny. Check out a video I made: All Those Years Training In Biowarfare, or I Own A Musket For Home Defense, or How To Herd Cats. When you want to decimate your competition: consider me for helping you get it done.

Any questions?

If you have any specific questions relative to your law firm, just fill out the contact form below, or use the contact link above.

Truth, Freedom, Health

My core values. They depend on each other. The truth guides my actions in all things, and I promise to never tell you 1/2 the truth (IE, bullshit you). Before you even pay me anything: I'll tell you the truth even if I know I'll lose business and save you money because of it. Want proof? Watch how I beat a corrupt insurance company out of court, and you can too.

Interested in a free estimate?

I'm Kevin by the way. And to contact me you can either go to the contact page here, or fill out the form below. I usually respond within 12-24 hours, unless you call me within public calling hours (which is usually instant).

UPPERCASE Roman numerals only

Remember that...

  • I, II, III = 1, 2, 3
  • IV, V, VI = 4, 5, 6
  • VII, VIII = 7, 8
  • IX, X = 9, 10

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***lowercase letters will not work.***

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