Whistleblower inside Google reveals technocracy news results created to deceive you


Project Veritas shows damning proof of Google skewing search results

Yet again, the crooks at Google hold nothing back in proving their bias, and the disrespect they have for the freedom of speech. In the video below by Project Veritas, they prove that the only thing Google really cares about is group think.

You have freedom of speech as long as you agree with them, and only them. Nothing else is allowed. And if the people accept this cult like thinking they're trying to program us with, Google will be the tool that brings us more war, slavery, and no answers for real problems.

To prove this myself in addition to the test they do in the video, I followed someone else's advice and searched for "white couple", and "black couple" separately. Look at the images that show up for both... Very awkward...

Watch the video below and make your own conclusions. It's worth the time.

EDIT: Someone at Google deleted the original video from Youtube (which was in the iframe below). But you can watch it on Project Veritas' site, and you can also watch it on Louie Gohmert's site.

With power like this, Google is doing all it can to create movements based on false narratives and lies. Imagine the wars they could start with that power.

What you can do about this?

The power really is in your hands. All it takes is for you to stop supporting people who want you to be a slave.

And if anyone needs any web apps or a web site that doesn't censor you for unpopular opinions, contact me.


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