The Government Launders Censorship Through Third Parties Like Twitter


Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Exposes How US Government Silences Valid Criticism

They do it through the Elections Interference Operations Playbook, and the Partner Support Portal, or PSP

Though I like Project Veritas a lot, the real issues are not being addressed. How so? The government is clearly using all companies, whether big tech or not, to be their conscripted policy enforcers. This is nothing new, and it's happened for longer than I've been alive, but most have been blind to it. Just look at this past year: business's who don't know better think they are required to enforce mask mandates, or be threatened with heavy fines. But no one ever had to wear one in the first place because there never was a law for it - a mandate is not a law - and I still haven't worn one this whole time. They're like traffic tickets with no laws backing up the "violations". They cannot stand up in court so long as you know how to play the game. And because the average person doesn't know crap about the law, most people cave in.

It's never been about left vs right, Conservative vs Liberal, Republican vs Democrat. They're Republicrats and Demlicans: 2 sides of the same coin. They all work together to enforce a narrative to fuck all of us over, and label the people who call them out as "conspiracy theeorists"..... Remember "weapons of mass destruction"??? and how Bush then went on TV to make jokes about it after being responsible for killing lots of innocent people over it???

He has ongoing cases in court on the Federal level

Consider helping to support the cause, because even $1 helps

You can follow the case there too. Sub to his YouTube channel as well, as he posts new updates constantly.

༼ຈل͜├┬┴┬┴ Psst! Hey kid! Don't be afraid to contact me if you need some programming / web sites / web apps, graphics, video editing, etc. I can make pretty much anything to solve niche problems, and even made a free GoFundMe clone back in 2019 because I saw the censorship coming. Also consider signing up to my email list, and most importantly, my RSS/Atom feed (link up top), or following me on my social medias at the bottom of every page.


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