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As for why I believe Trump will still be President

Biden cheated. The proof is obvious if you don't ignore it, and it's irrefutable. The mainstream media has gas lit, projected, and ignored all of it. Biden's fake inauguration had next to no one there, and he will likely be hailed as the savior of the world. Nobody liked him or Harris early on. He never campaigned, locked himself in his basement all last year, had practically no one show up to his "rallies", was confirmed around 3AM when no one else was awake, doesn't even trust the military surrounding him, he's a puppet that's so dumb he says the commands of his handler out loud - and notice how the military didn't even salute him there. When he starts doing the plans on his website, even the hardcore liberals are going to get pissed and want to remove him. Then Harris might get in, who is even worse. That's when eyes will really open up.

I never believed in Q-anon, but that movement has united people to open their eyes to some obvious truths. Biden and the cabal controlling him have planted the seeds of their own destruction, woken a sleeping giant, and another Snowden will arise to expose it. Call me crazy if you want, but I've had a lifetime of "WTF how did that just happen!?" moments. Because of them, I believe in God. And there's a guy called Kim Clement who prophesied Trump would get 2 terms long before he even ran for President. I suggest you watch this portion about him for a brief overview. And long before I even learned of that, I had a dream that came true, showing me there will be a massive unexpected river flushing out the evil. This is why I'm not afraid.

"Impeach! Impeach!" has already happened to Trump. Recently, and again a couple years ago. Now what comes next is "Highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises". I don't know how it will happen, but when I consider Project Veritas' statements recently, many more tech and government whistleblowers have come to him, willing to wear hidden cameras. So try not to be afraid ^_^

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